I'm Cindy
I have spent the past nine years working as a realtor on the Front Range as well as the Western Slope. In that time, I have learned that realtors can get caught up in the details of a transaction and often spend more time working IN their business than ON their business. Or they get so busy that they miss important dates and deadlines or don’t provide the level of customer service their clients deserve.

So, let me show you how I can make your life easier as your Transaction Coordinator.
fewer hats
As a realtor, you wear many hats. Building relationships, showing properties, marketing, writing contracts, negotiating offers, following market trends, keeping up on continuing education and the list goes on. When do you have time to follow up on the details of all the paperwork and dates and deadlines? Whether you are looking to grow your business or have more family time or vacations, I can work as part of your team and help handle these details.
we're better together
Working with a Transaction Coordinator is better than hiring an assistant because you are only paying per transaction and only if you close. There are no long term commitments or salaries to pay.
don't sweat the details
Most realtors are social people and do not like to spend time handling the repetitive details and paperwork. Let me help you find the time to do what you do best. Manage Relationships and close deals!